
Drawing in company

I joined a drawing group in a back room of the Horse and Groom in St Leonard’s. Just people who want to draw and organised by Teressa. Loved it.

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I’ve just finished resetting all the AI stuff into a new website so it doesn’t get confused with my spoons and stuff. I’ve been working on it quite intensively for three or four months now. Partly writing it, then restructuring the content for the web rather than paper, and lastly having to relearn WordPress. Here…

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Second bog oak piece

That’s the second of, what feels like, a family of spoons from these two pieces of bog oak. I’ve also got another two pieces ready to carve. I don’t think they can take fine carving. The old wood is too fragile for that, so they will stay rustic. I rather like the way they stand…

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Hockney again

I’ve just been grazing through a book of David Hockney’s drawings from the late 1960’s early 1970’s. They were shockingly familiar because I had bought the first Hockney book – a significant expense and my first major art book purchase. What was strange was how looking back on these old 1970’s drawings of Mo, Celia,…

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AI Opportunities Action Plan

This morning the UK government issued a press release setting out a blueprint to turbocharge AI. This appears to herald a dramatic change to the approach adopted by the previous administration. The earlier approach was measured and gave equal emphasis to dangers and safeguarding concerns while accepting the advantages. The government now declares the intention…

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Spoon family

Used my iPad app to work up this page of drawings for a family of spoons. These were based on the first bog oak spoon I made last week. I did make a very small one from a chip of wood but I tested it to destruction and it broke. I think these bog oak…

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AI: are we redundant?

I have just read this post on ‘The Kennet School Learning Blog’, ‘written’ by Karen Hornby (Head of Art). ‘Artificial Intelligence and the Art Curriculum: are we redundant yet? It made me laugh in admiration of both AI and Karen. It is worth reading through to the end.

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Bog Oak Spoon

I spent months looking at this piece of bog oak, not sure what to do with it. In the end I just started the spoon on the last day of the year, a vague self imposed deadline. I didn’t really know what I wanted to do, But it seemed to be in control and demanded…

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Whatever happened to design?

I’m currently working with old friends, colleagues, and the NSEAD to understand why we don’t seem to talk about ‘design’ anymore. I’m not sure if we have stopped doing it, or simply stopped talking about it. Check out ‘Art Education/Student Creatives’. Art or Design?…
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